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Sup, welcome to Two One's space. Be nice and considerate, thanks loads.
Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery
lit lit lit
Written on: Sunday, August 23, 2009 Time: 3:06 PM
BREAK A LEG! for lit drama. :D
lit lit lit
Written on: Sunday, August 23, 2009 Time: 3:06 PM
BREAK A LEG! for lit drama. :D
Bonjour! We're TWO ONE 09! We were OneOne 08, but we're obviously not now.
Our form teacher is Mrs Wong!, and she teaches MATH :D
We're taught English and Lit by Dr. Maha!
I think our Science teacher is Mrs Tan AL but...
Mrs Cheah is definately our history teacher! (:
We're learn drama from the kings themselves, Mr Tang & Mr. Armstrong
Geog's taught by Miss Soh and we have different Mother Tongue teachers
Two One is coool righht!(: We miss our PSLs.
Class Comm!
Our Chairperson's GINYIN, our vice is DANIELLE, Samantha Secretary, And Su Lynn & Caitlin, your loansharks. >:D
1. Caitlin Choo 2. Lynette 3. Charmaine 4.Genevieve 5. Gowri 6. Megan 7. Caitlin Foo 8. Jeanette 9. Nicole Lau 10. Su Lynn
11. Sheryl 12. Valerie 13. Gin Yin 14. Amelia 15. Kaela 16. Therese 17. Erin 18. Michelle 19. Anne 20. Anabel 21. Danielle
22. Zi Ying 23. Samantha 24. Maribelle 25. Natalie 26. Nicole Seah 27. Gwendolyn 28. Cassandra 29. Trinisha 30. Tiffanie
31. Jing Wei 32. Vivian 33. Violet 34. Annabel 35. Nico 36. Rachel 37. Hui Ying
lit lit lit